A diverse calendar of events enhanced by superb venues.
Culture Vannin released an updated version of their successful Manx Gaelic guide, which provides a variety of key phrases for visiting bikers.
Manx is taught in all local schools, allowing childrend to enjoy the benefits of a bi-lingual education and great insight to Manx culture and music.
Elissa Morris has joined the Department of Economic Development as e-Business Manager.
The Island's economy depends upon various diverse sectors including aviation, tourism, finance and e-gaming.
Manx Musician heads for Hebridean Celtic Festival.
The Island's unique infrastructure - from communication and energy to highways and education
The Best of Me... Cat Turner an escapee from the finance sector who now spends her time volunteering in the ethical, green and arts sectors.
The Myth of Manannan Mac Lir
Whether you are a keen sea angler or like to sit on the banks of a reservoir the Island is the perfect place.